Advantages Of Using A Duoclear Mineral Cartridge

Advantages Of Using A Duoclear Mineral Cartridge

When cleaning and sanitizing a pool, the only chemicals that first come to mind are chlorine and bromine. They are not the only chemicals that can help in maintaining the cleanliness of the pool. Just like minerals and nutrients are important for the human body to grow and develop, pools also need duoclear mineral cartridges from time to time to ensure they are in good condition. This article will focus solely on the importance and advantages of using duoclear mineral cartridges for cleaning the pool.

Importance of using duoclear cartridges

When people are told about new ways to keep the pools clean and sanitized, they are often intrigued about duoclear mineral cartridges. These duoclear cartridges have several minerals such as silver, copper, zinc, and limestone that ensure the pool’s long life and the people frequently using the pool. Silver acts as an antimicrobial, copper is an effective algaecide, zinc is antibacterial, and limestones are used for keeping the pH levels in the water at the perfect range for use. Usually, the pH levels of water in a pool should be between the ranges of 7.5, being the ideal value.

Advantages of using duoclear mineral cartridges

Following are some of the advantages of using duoclear mineral cartridges.

1- Keeps the skin clear and safe

If anyone has sensitive skin, spending more time in the pool with chlorine is not advisable. People get dry skins; skin loses moisture, and also the hairs become crunchy after swimming in the pool. Chlorine also tends to have an adverse effect on the clothes you wear to the swimming pool. When duoclear cartridges are used, chlorine levels in the water are reduced drastically, and people also do not face the adverse effects of chlorine water. The water goes through state-of-the-art technology to ensure that the harmful and excess chlorine is removed from the water and is safe for use.

2- The equipment have increased life

The same way chlorine harms your skin, the pool’s equipment also faces a greater threat by using excess chlorine. Though the equipment is designed to withstand the harmful effects of chlorine, the equipment’s life is also reduced after prolonged use. The water becomes softer and gentler once you start using duoclear mineral cartridges and also helps remove the harmful effects of chlorine. The formation rate and breakdown of parts are reduced significantly, helping the equipment last longer and save money.

3- The pool becomes easy to maintain

These duoclear mineral cartridges are designed so that they self-operate and require very little approach from your end. Some of the duoclear mineral cartridges are very easy to use and are simple plug-and-play devices. These devices are not hard to maintain and save a lot of time for the worker responsible for the smooth functioning of the pool. The bonus is that the duoclear cartridges do not cost you more money, and also, the mineral cartridge prices are reasonable and are easily affordable.

In conclusion

If you’re looking for new duoclear cartridges, then you must head over to Duo Clear Cartridge and check out different types of duoclear mineral cartridges.

Published by Duo clear cartridge

If you own a swimming pool or a spa, having access to clear water can help you get loads of compliments. Moreover, it is important for your health and safety. Hence, Duoclear mineral cartridge helps you to clear out the water without any harsh chemicals. It will no waste your water and can aid with filtration also. Visit our website to know what kind of cartridges we offer to our discerned customers.

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