
Duo clear cartridge

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A Complete Guide to Duoclear Mineral Cartridge and Mineral SPA Sanitizers

When it comes to cleaning the pool and ensuring the pool stays fresh for longer periods, you need to have two important components with you at all times. The first is the duoclear mineral cartridge, and the other is mineral spa sanitizers. The objective and working of both duoclear mineral cartridge and mineral spa sanitizers…

Difference Between Sand Filters and Duoclear Mineral Cartridge

Every swimming pool needs a pool filter and a mineral sanitizer to ensure that the water remains fresh and free from algae and bacteria for a long time. There are two main types of filters available in the market: sand filters and duoclear mineral cartridge filters. Newbies often get confused between the two and buy…

When do you need Replacement Cartridges for Your Pool Filters?

You like to keep your house and your backyard clean. Likewise, it will help if you maintain a clean pool. The best way to keep the pool clean is to replace the cartridge of your pool filter. Proper cleaning of your filter cartridge will not only help keep your pool as clean as possible but…

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